Thread: How revealing
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Old 04-24-2007, 02:36 AM   #11
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: somewhere in between
Posts: 995
I probably reveal too much about myself online, particularly here. But I don't really care - all of it is information that anyonne, online or IRL, with a little digging, can find out.

Actually, the people on this forum - "strangers on the Internet" - are no different than the thousands of people I've met in person. I often link to my photos and old blog, where you can easily figure out my real name. But I've also had my name and photo shown publically enough times that you might consider the Cellar population a pretty limited audience, in regard to privacy.

Cellar is just the tip of the iceberg. With my name and some medium-duty Googling you can pretty much track my movements for the past 10 years. Where I went to high school, my eagle scout project, my college, sports tournaments, media outlets I've worked for, explicit details about a particularly rowdy weekend in Dallas not too long ago. And most of that (save the Dallas weekend) was not my choice.

Watchdogs caution about posting personal info on public Web forums, but nobody flinches when a school or organization wants to display photos or personal info.
Gone crazy, be back never.
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