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Old 04-24-2007, 08:17 AM   #3
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jan 2001
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Originally Posted by freshnesschronic View Post
Just some deep thoughts that came to me late at nite, 1:01 AM.

Why aren't we out of Iraq yet and letting them build their own country?
Why won't some of my CD-RWs being read by my computer?
Am I ever going to make up my bed again?
Will I choose to vote in the next presidential election? Is it a bitch to register to vote?
Why haven't we discovered aliens yet...I'm sure they exist...that'd be a freaking lonely existant for Planet Earth.
I'm really happy my girlfriend decided to attend U of I next year...

Well those are my late nite thoughts. Feel free to post yours!
To answer your questions:

Because it's Dubya's legacy, and he's trying to make American democracy work at all costs.

Because your computer is a hyper-sensitive bitch.

You should register to vote and vote in 2008. It's easy to register.

Aliens are out there...they're just not believed by the "right" person yet.

U of I is a good school...hopefully you two will stay together after she gets there.

Jim, he did think stuff he didn't say, but was afraid of the responses he'd get from us.

*thinks* Yeah, nothing deep right now. It's early though...I'll hit this one again later.
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