Thread: Job burnout
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Old 05-02-2007, 04:28 PM   #5
twatfaced two legged bumhole
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 3,143
Check out your HR depatment's website and look for anything relating to wellness in Faculty and Staff Services. This is an example of ours. Available to all staff is 4 free 1 hour counseling sessions. (My husband and I took advantage of this for some marriage counsling a few years ago.)

If you have vacation or sick time USE IT NOW!! Just getting away, even if it's to hang out at home, should help you get some perspective and decide what steps you need to take to get things back under control.

I can't seem to find my depression thread right now, so I can't remember your history, but either way a trip to a doc might not hurt either. Talking to someone can help you figure out if you are actually having more stress in your life, or if you are just a lot more sensitive to your typical stressors for some reason. Note: I am not saying, "ooh, go on drugs to chill out!!!"

For that matter, someone who has known you for a long time that you can trust to give you an honest answer might be able to tell you the same thing. They also might be able to point things out to you that, being on the outside, aren't visible to you in the middle of the storm that is currently you life.
Strength does not come from how much weight you can lift, or how many miles you can run. It comes from knowing that you set a goal, and rose to the challenge. Strength comes from within.
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