Thread: Job burnout
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Old 05-02-2007, 04:42 PM   #7
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
Join Date: Jun 2006
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I am in treatment for depression. That is a long time chronic concern. But I used to find a lot of joy in my job.

I have plenty of time off coming, but if I mention taking time off my boss has not acted like she liked the idea (again, the fact that I may have a complete breakdown at any moment seems irrelevant to the fact that there is work to do.)

Yes, LR, I work at a college. Our VP (whose office is about 3 doors down from mine) and is a licensed counselor seems to also be in denial about my state of mind. I wish I could talk to her about it, but I don't think it would help anything except for her wishing she could let me go but knowing it's going to be hard to find a replacement for this low paying, stressful job. When she talks about diversity and how we need to understand that we're not all the same I want to throw up; yep, we're not all the same, but it's only a good thing if it doesn't threaten her department in any way.

We don't have the services like you have at UI, LR, but that is awesome! Sounds like a great place to work!

I am here late tonight because we have to deliver one of those stupid surveys that never changes anything. Apparently, the responsibility lies on student service administrators because instructores don't like to give tests or something. Teaching a class (which is what this amounts to for me; if I wanted to be a teacher I would have signed on) is not in my job description. Apparently I am considered an administrator for things that suck like this but not for something like graduation.

Quitting is not an option; I am in dire financial straits and there is no way. Plus, my parents who are already worried about me would be even more worried. Still, when I mention my job stress to my mom I KNOW what she's thinking: all jobs are stressful. I started working at 13 years old. i know about stress...but nothing has ever been like this.

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. I feel better getting to talk about it.
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