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Old 05-03-2007, 11:43 AM   #9
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by wolf View Post
Thanks to a friend, I just started reading the books by Jim Butcher. I'm 3-1/2 books in, which gives me a pretty good feel for the character, storylines, etc.

I had not held much hope for the SciFi Channel series, since they have a tendency to take something really good and figuring out the shortest distance to total stink.

My impression of the first episode:

Wrong Coat
Wrong Car
Wrong Apartment
Wrong Relationship
Wrong Bob
Wrong Murphy

I'd be interested in the impression of someone who hasn't read the books, though.

The storyline wasn't completely excreble, but it wasn't based on any stuff from the books I've read so far.
I picked one up one of the books by mistake in the charity bookshop. By mistake I mean it was my "lucky dip" book - I get one every visit. I was a couple of pages in and the names started nagging at the back of my mind, and it was a relief to realise it was because you'd mentioned them as a series of books.

I am 3/4 through and I can't remember what it's called (a problem with my random selections). It's Halloween and Harry is trying to stop three necromancers from becoming demi-gods. I'm really enjoying it so far and look forward to scouring bookshops for the rest of the series when I finish it. One thing that does bug me though - what is ot with the eyebrows? Everyone "arches" them at the end of every sentence. In fact there have even been some double arches. Hmmmm.

Who knows, I might even get to watch the TV series one day!
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