Thread: Bikes!
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Old 05-09-2007, 10:38 AM   #381
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
My old Schwinn Varsity 10 speed has a messed up rear wheel, so I haven't been using it much lately. Broken hub which means two spokes are missing and can't be replaced, and the spokes are all out of tension. It pings and pops if you try to ride it. It's been a problem, since my daughter wants to go riding, so I've been riding an extra kid's bike we have. A Mongoose trick bike.

Lucky for me, my neighbor just threw away his mountain bike last week. It looked to be in really sad shape, the tires were flat and falling apart, the brakes were out of adjustment and not working, it was all dirty/moldy, and the handlebars were all twisted around. It really looked like trash. I took it out of his trash pile, and an hour or two of TLC later, the thing is working like a charm. It still could use new tires, but other than that, it's in great shape. He's even my height, so it fits me.

All the logos on the frame are worn off so I don't know the brand, but the wheels say Specialized, and all the derailers, cranks etc. are Shimano. It's got some sort of eliptical cranks. Actually they aren't eliptical, they are Biopace chainwheels. Shifts smoothly and rides well.

Now that I think about it, the seat is really uncomfortable. Some gel thing with a hole/channel in the middle. Felt like I was messing up my junk on an hour long ride I took with my daughter. So I need to switch a seat from one of the other old bikes, or buy a new one. And get new tires. Otherwise, not bad. Free bike!! Anybody know what kind it might be?
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