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Old 09-11-2001, 12:59 PM   #9
Master Locutor
Join Date: May 2001
Location: vancouver
Posts: 158
I heard that something like 50,000 people work in the WTC... and 40,000 tourists see it a day, and another 100,000 pass underneath it riding the PATH....

Though many people have pointed fingers at the taliban and the PLO, both have denied involvement. Osama Bin Laden (currently being "contained" by the Taliban in Afganistan) however, has neither denied nor claimed responsibility.

Bush has said that this is an act of terrorism, and Sen. McCain has said that it is an act of war, and that any country who harboured suspects in this will be considered at war with the US..


As many people have said on slashdot, give blood in your local blood bank if you are an American (blood is easy to ship everywhere, so even if you live far away, it counts!), and I guess.... just pray or something if you live elsewhere... ;(
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