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Old 05-21-2007, 01:12 PM   #3
sliding down the razor blade of life
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: just over the edge
Posts: 228
I don't know how "hardcore" you want to go about veg, but here are some thoughts.
You don't have to go the whole route (vegan - no dairy, no meats, etc.). Start slowly, cut back on the red meats, eat more chicken or fish if you like. If you think of being a vegetarian as a life of tofu, you're not going to be too happy. My SO is pretty much a full veg, although she will have chicken occasionally. Me, I'm a committed carnivore, but I don't eat much red meat, (don't actually miss it all that much), and I could just about live on great big salads. Dress them up with chickpeas, avocado, sprouts, whatever you like.There are many, many good veg cookbooks out there, I like the ones from the Moosewood Restaurant myself. Check out Middle Eastern recipes, and Indian cookbooks; cultures where veg is a serious business. One thing - make sure you get enough protein, through white meats or fish, peanut or one of the nut butters.
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