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Old 09-11-2001, 04:25 PM   #14
Master Locutor
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The WTC was built to withstand a direct hit from a Boeing 707. This is of course resulting from the time that a B25 bomber tragically crashed into the Empire State Building.. killing 14.

I saw an interview with a structural architect this morning, and I think that the thought process when designing the WTC was that "sure it's possible that some nutcase in a cessna might hit it, but there's not way anyone could ever hijack a Jumbo-jet and hit it..."

*sigh*.. ;(

Also, of note in what dm was saying about over-reacting: If I recall correctly, this same cast of characters (the PLO, osama bin, the N. Koreans, etc) was accused at various times throughout the whole Oklahoma City investigation.....

But I have to agree with you... when I see these people dancing in the streets, it doesn't give me a real warm fuzzy feeling. It gives me a "Let's send in some really heavily armed marines and give them a good ass-kicking" feeling...

But wiser heads will prevail, and wait to make a decision, I hope.

Maybe this is Bush's chance to prove that he's smarter than people give him credit for.....
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