Thread: updated dog pic
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Old 02-18-2003, 10:30 AM   #18
Do-er of Deeds
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Seattle
Posts: 41

generally speaking Max is very gentle, but he get's protective of the kids, and he's definitely a good guard dog. My favorite thing is when solicitors come to my door to try and sell me something unwanted, and I open the door and let him out. Some people literally look like they need to change their drawers. Little do they know he just wants to play. I don't really worry about theft, though. The little brown thing in front is our other dog, a mutt named Proximo (see the 'gladiator' references?), he's like, 50 pounds and think he runs the show. Picks fights all the time. Max puts up with it for a good long while until he gets fed up, then proceeds to fling Prox across the yard a good 20 feet. Funny to look out the window and see a brown ball of fur going ballistic at random times.....
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