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Old 05-25-2007, 08:39 AM   #9
Tool. Not the band - you are one.
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: 501 Northlake Blvd., North Palm Beach FL
Posts: 329
I had a bad day (I work for attorneys... so, you know, most of them are) and I was explaining to Scully, my 6 year old daughter, upon picking her up from school, that I had had a bad day, and to please be on extra good behavior for a little while until I was able to improve my attitude. She asked why it was a bad day, and I explained that I had had a disagreement with Mr. Bill, one of the attorneys, and I felt as though he was being terribly unfair and blaming me for a problem that he created.

Now, normally, I didn't go into detail like this, but around that time, she had a habit of coming home and complaining every day about someone in her class and how they "ruined" her whole day by skipping her inline, or not wanting to play her game, or some other equally silly thing, so I was trying to point out that it happens to everyone, and that sometimes you need to talk and have a few minutes to change your attitude. I was trying to set an example.

Well, it so happens that there was a teacher work day the following day, and I had to take Scully into work with me.

We weren't there an hour when Mr. Bill, who had previously spoken to me earlier that morning and we had resolved our issue, came up to me and handed me a piece of paper that had been given to him by my daughter. It read:

To Mister Bill
I hered you havent ben nice to my mommy so can you be more nicer to her and if you want to no hoo toled me it is my mommy Love Scully

Now, not only did she completely embarrass me, but then she totally made it a point to throw me under the bus. No loyalty, I tell ya!

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