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Old 05-31-2007, 01:20 AM   #28
The Eschaton
Vivacious Vivisectionist
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Posts: 36
Originally Posted by Aliantha View Post
There's plenty of evidence to suggest pretty much any side of this multi-sided argument.

There's no doubt peers have a profound effect on the thoughts and habits of the group.

There's also no doubt that different styles of parenting effect a childs world view.

There's also no doubt that genetics play a big role too.

The thing there is doubt about is how much influence each of these factors have.

I would say that research suggests that the answer is, it depends on what stage of life the child/young adult is at.
I agree with you except for the one highlighted. I strongly doubt that, both from personal observation and the fact of the ladies artcle i referenced that there is no positive support for that supposition. Now i know these studies are statistical in nature but what it seems to indicate (and no i have not read the original studies and not about to, that statistical analysis makes my eyes glaze.) is that researchers find little support for the idea that parenting style has an influence on how a kid turns out. Where as things like wealth and peers have a big influence.
"All i say is by way of discourse, and nothing by way of advice. I should not speak so boldly if it were my due to be believed." - Montaigne
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