Thread: Hogzilla
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Old 06-02-2007, 02:01 PM   #33
the crowd goes wild!
Join Date: May 2007
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Posts: 663
Oh the humanity!!! Turns out this hog wasn't so wild after all!

The huge hog that became known as "Monster Pig" after being hunted and killed by an 11-year-old boy had another name: Fred.
The not-so-wild pig had been raised on an Alabama farm and was sold to the Lost Creek Plantation just four days before it was shot there in a 150-acre fenced area, the animal's former owner said.

Story linked here.

Dude, I can't believe the dad would let a story go out like that knowing full well the story wasn't exactly true. Heck, anyone can eventually shoot a 1,050 lb hog trapped on a 150 acre fenced property. I grew up on 26 acres...150 aint very big.

Liars...I hate liars. Exposes a big whole in all of those news outlets, doesn't it???
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