Thread: Suicide
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Old 02-24-2003, 08:39 PM   #9
Maximum Reflection
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: USA (Say No to the Iraq War)
Posts: 25
I totally agree with you Slang. I use to drink hardcore every weekend, huge binges. I would look forward to it everytime. The goal was suppose to go out and hook up with hotties, but always, always turned into getting hammered for three days straight.

Once I stopped that I was much better, but then I fell into a pot and ecstacy, but kicked the immediatly. My last vice was the evil Vicodin. That took forever to kick. Damn it was tough.

Humor is my biggest gun against depression as well. I take things that are funny to me and take them to the Nth degree. You have to really know me to understand my humor sometimes.

Well if you need someone new, take a look at me for awhile. I would be more then happy to be your new degenerate to be looked down upon. Anything to help a fellow dwellar.

If I haven't mentioned already, I'm a horrible speller.
Deep and Chilled
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