Thread: Suicide
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Old 02-24-2003, 11:27 PM   #12
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Re: Suicide

Originally posted by deepandchilled03
I've been having a real tough time lately, I want to talk about it, and everyone here seems very open-minded.
Tough as in how? Tough getting out of bed? Tough because you hate your job? Tough because times are difficult and money is short? Tough because you are always so miserable no matter what you are doing?

I assume you know when its time to seek treatment again. Or is that what you are asking about? I'm not sure if you are just asking to share, or whether you are seeking some better solution, or whether this is an understated request for help?

Do you also have a friend that can tell you how your really are? Usually the last person to see depression is the depressed person - which is why treatment does not start until that good friend says Now.
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