Thread: Suicide
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Old 02-26-2003, 10:55 AM   #7
lurkin old school
Join Date: Oct 2001
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Tough times hit everyone. And they hit differently. There isnt always an obvious trigger, its a cycle of thinking. I had a bad patch of circumstances in elementary school, moved through it with support, sense of humor (As a kid, moving helps, I was helped by a fresh start) and then spiraled a bit in my 20s. So far, my early 20s was the hardest bit. As for suicide,the closest Ive been is careless, wreckless behavior. In retrospect, I've been lucky. I have been the worried friend, try to help, but know that its really a battle you cant fight. I've watched some friends/loved ones self-destruct, others pull out. And I know meds can help.

I'm glad were talking about it. And Wolf, its nice to have you around!
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