Thread: TMNT
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Old 03-02-2003, 04:40 PM   #24
Disorderly Disciplinarian
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Posts: 21
The Ninja Turtles were cool when it was just done by Eastman and Laird. Everything after left a bad taste in my mouth. Even the cartoon pissed me off after a while. Of course, a cartoon based on the original comic would only be fit for prime time, possibly even a cable only show.

But that's the way things always are. Anytime something cool, and somewhat underground (read: There's not a toy, cartoon, or cereal about it.) comes around, some jacktard of an advertising or television exec gets wind of it. Then, it gets injected with sugar and plastic to make it "safe".

Safe? Safe! Goddamnit, this was a comic book about ninjas. Ninjas! The ninja was (is?) a silent assassin. A dark and quiet bringer of death, chaos, and mayhem. Ninjas aren't supposed to be safe. I mean, yes, the concept was pretty farfetched, but after a while, minor characteristics about the characters became hooks for pimping out cans of Chef Boyardee.

Screw the Turtles. They're only a shadow of what they once were.

Someone find me an issue of Hamster Vice.
I'm in a world full of naked women and daisies! Nothing can harm me now!
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