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Old 03-03-2003, 09:37 PM   #3
Recruit or Something
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 4
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashes is about a friendship and the summer that friendship changed. It is also about a pair of jeans and their voyage with four friends on their summer apart. “ But we were quieter tonight. There was more care and less ordinary teasing. In a way, we were still strange to one another; I realized, but there was comfort in the Pants. The Pants had absorbed the summer. Maybe it was better that they couldn’t talk. They would let us remember more how we had felt, and less what had actually happened. They would let us keep it all and share.” The book’s setting is all over the world, Greece, Mexico and America, and is in the present time. There are four girls in this friendship; Lena, Tibby, Bridget, and Carmen. Their moms all met each other during their September pregnancy and became friends. As the Septembers grew older, the moms grew apart but the Septembers stayed friends and spent every summer together. But this year was different, Lena was going to Greece to stay with her grandparents, Bridget was going to soccer camp in Mexico, Carmen was spending the summer with her dad in North Carolina, and Tibby was staying home. One day while Lena and Carmen were shopping at a thrift store, Carmen found a pair of jeans; she decided to buy them however, never tried them on but just put them in her closet. On the last night before all the girls went their separate ways, Carmen was packing and Lena saw the jeans and tried them on. The Septembers passed the jeans around the room and everyone tried them on. They all decided that the pants were magical because they made all the girls feel and look astonishing in them. They made a pack that they would share the jeans through the summer and tell how the jeans had helped them. As the summer begins, Lena is the first to have the pants, but during a moment when she is stunned, it begins a chain of horrible events in which the person she mistrust most is herself. Tibby stays home and starts to work at Wallman. She learns a lesson about life and death that will never be forgotten. Bridget uses the pants to catch the eye of the soccer coaches, but she learns that not everything you want is good for you. Carmen hopes the pants will let her have a great time with her father, but finds out they only witnessed her change into an evil step-daughter. I enjoyed this book so much. I saw a little of myself in each of the characters. I think I was most like Tibby, because of her actions and reactions to different situations. I would recommend this book to anyone. It is a great book about life, love, and friendships. Okay, can you tell I did a book report? LOL.. Sorry! I loved this book ALOT!! I read it in one night from 10pm to 2am..
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