Thread: Post Your Pet
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Old 06-19-2007, 02:28 PM   #276
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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I prefer cats to kittens (and perhaps am alone in the world in that?) but A GINGER KITTEN! Almost enough to make me believe in creationism - surely nothing that cute could be the process of random evolution...

Anyway, cute-overload aside. In my situation I don't necessarily think it's unfair to have two cats indoors and one out, but it will be very, very difficult. My boys have never been outside. They are very small cats with very fine coats. They have only ever encountered cats from their own (extended) family as I adopted them from the breeder. And they are now 18 months old.

It seems cruel to me to let them out into a London urban location teeming with cats that have scratched and bitten over territory since they were weaned. One bite from a natural tom (they are neutered) will go straight through their fine pelt and probably end in an absess. And even without that - can I in all conscience introduce two madly inquisitive cats who love humans into an uncaring world?

If we did it, it would be very carefully managed, but even then, it is fraught with worry. Sigh.

As you were.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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