Thread: Post Your Pet
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Old 06-20-2007, 12:19 PM   #280
twatfaced two legged bumhole
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 3,143
Originally Posted by Cloud View Post
but they bite, don't they?
Yes and no. If you stick your finger in through the bars, she will first give you a test nibble, then full blown chomp. If you are holding her, she usually will just nibble your fingers. Occasionally she has gotten ahold of my nail, and takes a stronger pinch on that, but has only drawn blood once, on my thumb. It was totally my fault because I let her nibble a little too long before moving my finger.

The best though is her little tongue. Betcha didn't know that they have the softest little tongues. If I have been exercising and my arms are a little sweaty, she will lick the salt off of them.

I'm going to try to get a shot of her reaching up to eat her parsly, but we'll see. My camera has a good bit of delay between pushing the button and the actual pic, so it won't be easy. You guys are worth it though .

Oh, I guess she also bit me in the knee last night when I was kneeling too close to the bathtub for her to scoot through. No blood, but I did make sure I left her room after that. Impatient little bitch. (I let her run free in the bathroom for exercise while giving my daughter a bath. Easier to clean up linoleum than carpet.)
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