Thread: "A Fat Rant"
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Old 07-06-2007, 11:22 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by Aliantha View Post
I could be wrong, but I think the point is that if you throw everyone in together, how are you going to know who's fat because they're lazy or eat too much, and who has a genuine problem that's not easy to manage.
Again, put this 'genetic disposition' into perspective. TheMercenary posted a picture of two kids. The kid in the background was once called grossly obese. Never before have people been so obese as the kid in the foreground. Genetics, et al has nothing to do with his grossly unhealthy physique. Furthermore, a kids as obese as in the background was rare. Today it is routine in any group of kids.

How much fatter does genetics make one? This was well reported years ago. If someone eats an extra packet of sugar every day - just one extra - then he would be as fat as one with the genetic 'fat' defect.

There is absolutely no way anyone can attribute massively overweight kids with anything but diet. How does 20 pounds overweight due to genetics account for so many people that are hundreds of pounds overweight?

Attributing any of this to genetics means ignoring perspective. Genetics would make one as overweight as the person who eats one extra sugar packet every day. Genetic disposition is blames where people ignore 'by how much'.

None of this is about judging people. The obesity is simply and nothing more than hard reality. Making excuses for it is rediculous.
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