Thread: "A Fat Rant"
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Old 07-06-2007, 11:42 PM   #80
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Roanoke, Virginia
Posts: 4
the fat rant

I quite enjoyed watching the fat rant. I thought she had some very good points, but the biggest point is being at a healthy weight is well, healthy, and if you are healthy (as in no heart problems or high cholesterol or high blood pressure, etc) but are still overweight, then it's not a big deal. The only person who it should be a big deal to is yourself, and that's only if you're not comfortable with the way you look. If you like the way you look and you are overweight, then that's awesome and damn everyone who tries to tell you that you need to lose weight. But if you are generally healthy but you do not like the way you look, then by all means, lose weight! If other overweight people are trying to make other overweight women feel better about themselves and give them higher self esteem, then that's great, but I don't think it's the smartest thing to do because it might send the wrong message to people that it's okay to be overweight. It's not okay to be overweight unless you're happy with it and you're healthy. If an overweight woman is not healthy and her bad health is being caused by her being overweight, that woman should not be told that it's okay to stay overweight. She shouldn't be bashed by any means, but if she has diabetes and her heart races walking up the steps to her apartment and once she gets into her apartment she takes her meds for her high blood pressure, and she's only 25, she should probably seriously consider losing weight and get it out of her head that it's is okay being overweight. I'm basically saying that if being overweight is causing health issues that could be cured by losing weight, then you should lose weight. Or if you're obviously sickened by your naked body in the mirror, then you should lose weight. Ultimately, it should be a choice that YOU make for YOURself, and should definitely under NO circumstances be dictated to you by society. It's okay to be overweight if it's okay with YOU. I kinda went all over the place on this one, and I hope it makes sense to people!!! Cheers!


By the way, I am overweight myself and struggle with it quite a bit, and I lost 60 pounds last year, went from 225 to 165, and that's all on a 5'1" frame. I want to lose 50 more pounds, and I want to do it for me, because I want to be thin and in good health. My mother is overweight and she developed diabetes because of it and takes heart and high blood pressure medication. I don't want to do that. I want to be thin so I can avoid those types of health issues, and I want to look good in what is my opinion of looking good. It is in my genes to be overweight (EVERYONE on my mother's side is) so I will probably struggle with it my whole life, and not to mention that I have had three children and gained quite a bit with each!! Pregnancy is a bitch for that!
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