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Old 07-08-2007, 09:25 PM   #2
Franklin Pierce
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 3,695
I personally would rather see Edwards or Obama than Hilary. The part that really scares me about her is the Universal Health Plan. Both Obama and Edwards says that we need to raise taxes for universal health care but Hilary says we don't. There are no secret operations so I really doubt Hilary is seeing something that the other two don't. That means one of four things:
  • She is lying and will raise taxes
  • Her plan will fall apart due to lack of funding
  • She will take money from other places (social security for example)
  • Her plan will not have the coverage as Edward's or Obama's
I have not looked into all three plans that closely but unless I missed something, one of those four are going to happen and that type of incompetence is really starting to annoy me. We can see a problem beforehand but no one is willing to do anything about it.

Her attitude on the war in Iraq is also another thing. She keeps calling it "Bush's war" when she does nothing to stop it and when she even voted for it in the first place without researching it thoroughly.

This is a serious question. Why do people like Hilary? Besides experience, I haven't seen anything except deception and vote whoring.

I'm hoping that the 2nd tier can hang around in reserve for a while.
I agree with this on both sides.
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