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Old 07-17-2007, 05:12 PM   #188
no not that other guy, the other one
Join Date: May 2007
Location: TN
Posts: 640
The other night my thelittleguy was sleeping in our bed due to giving up his bed for the night to visiting family. He came downstairs about 15 minutes in and, looking like he is about to cry, says, "Mom, I need a tissue." My wife took him to the restroom and noticed he had blood on his lip. She asked what happened and he just started crying. "I don't know," he said. She called me in and his upper, front gums are bleeding like mad. We keep asking what happened and he kept saying he did not know. So, we decided to go back up to our room to discuss it and see if he will tell us.

Back up in our room, he kept saying he didn't know what happened to every suggestion I threw out. Hit face on headboard? Hit face on nightstand. Then, it hit me. "(Thelittleguy) were you maybe jumping on the bed?" He said, "Well, maybe." "Were you jumping on the bed and fell off?" "Well, maybe." Then, he looks at my wife and says, "One little monkey jumping on the bed. The monkey fell off and bumped his head." He then tells me that, "Maybe I fell off and hit my face on the floor. Maybe."

I cracked up. It seems he was jumping on our bed, in the dark, fell off onto the floor (on his face). He didn't want to get in trouble so he climbed back into the bed (I know this since there was blood on the sheets) and didn't come down until he was really, really in pain. Keep in mind, we are dealing with a 4 yr old here. I am not sure why he was so scared. He doesn't get spanked. He very, very good kid who rarely gets in trouble. I may be in trouble when he becomes a teenager.
I should be working.
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