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Old 03-12-2003, 02:48 PM   #5
That Guy
He who reads, sometimes writes.
Join Date: Sep 2001
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Posts: 791
If your timetable is June, you should be able to see everything, including other tourists. It sounds like you'll have the best tour guides in the land at your disposal. Soak them for all they know.
The train from Dresden to Prague was about 3 hours. I think it cost me about 30 smackers R/T. Not a bad price, but I bought it in Germany. I have no idea what prices in CZ are like.
Watch out for pickpockets and thieves, but you'll run into them anytime/anywhere you look like you're out of your element. I had a guy try to sell me a phone card because for an outrageous amount. Actually, he claimed to be helping me by selling just a few minutes at a time, rather than making me buy the whole card. (What a guy!) I declined until I realized that he had plugged the coin slots of all the payphones with slugs. Fortunately, I found a fellow American that was willing to help me out, and let me borrow her card to call the hostel.
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