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Old 08-06-2007, 05:48 PM   #3
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 10
This "white people have privileges" issue leads to nothing.
If a guy in Tibet would never know of internet and western culture he would never think he has less privileges.
Missionaries carried christendom into the jungle (they might even have thought it would help). Think about it and ask yourself if it makes sense to normalize all cultural values and traditions to bring all to a "white" niveau.
Sure there's apartheid and racism on a grand scale on this planet. But I think the privileges you have should be seen in cultural context.
In some parts of the world you're king of your village with two cows. Here you need a Villa and several German cars.

regarding the initial topic: I really don't get your point: people in china do eat dogs.
Yes I say this in general, I could also say : People in America do drive cars. Despite the fact that kids, most elderly and some other guys don't drive cars.
But I can also say Italians don't eat dogs. There _are_ cultural differences. And some of them are funny. For me and for you. If you're a native chinese, then all this touching, hugging and hand shaking of those long nosed western people is strange to you.

As a kid I learned the importance of being able to laugh about oneself.
Life's much easier with this ability, Freshnesschronic.

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