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Old 09-20-2001, 07:50 PM   #3
Count Zero
Join Date: Jun 2001
Posts: 75
Everything that happened in NY last week is of course dreadful, and, as should be expected, everybody in this forum has expressed grief or anger, or a mixture of both.

But, for someone who lives far away from the whole mess, the emotions are not as intense... I know that the pictures of this thread tend to show otherwise, and I personally felt terrible seeing on TV the people that were falling from the twin towers and the other stunning images, but I have been getting *jokes* emailed to me about the whole situation...

For most people that don't live in the US, despite the fact that these attacks may affect the whole world in a way or another, the people that were killed in NY are no different than those killed anywhere else in the world, where the number of deaths are sometimes much higher. In fact they are of course no different, but Americans feel it much more intensely because it's their own people.

I'm writing this because since a lot of non-Americans (by this I mean Brazilians) don't feel as much grief as most Americans do, and there always was some anti-American feelings due to the American government's attitude toward the third world countries and it's truculent and arrogant ways of dealing with foreign affairs, people are starting to satirize the whole issue, as I already said before.

I have some images that were sent to me, and I want to know if it's OK for me to post them, without anyone becoming deeply offended or starting to flame me.

I want to reiterate that I in no way sympathize with those deaths, and I don't think the people that made those (mean) satires really do.
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