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Old 08-20-2007, 05:37 AM   #442
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
Yesterday evening I went out for drinks with the gang. My ex, J, was comin straight from work, so he joined us later. So, me and threee friends (D, M, and the other J, who is going out with my ex-J) were sitting at a table in a tapas bar chatting and laughing and ordering a few bits of food, waiting for J to join us. It was a table for four, but with a fifth chair added to the end of the table. I was sat at the outside seat next to the extra chair, and my female friend J, was sat near the wall.

When we saw male J arriving, J (fem)got up and went to meet him at the door, and I quickly shuffled over and swapped seats so that she'd be on the outside seat, next to J (male). Wasn't a big deal, just a little strategic reseating:P

When the two of em came back to the table and sat down, she leaned over to me and whispered "thanks chick," then did a little laugh and said "I'm just a little bit in love".

I'm so happy that they're together. They're so well suited to each other. I've seen them both messed around by people over the last three or four years, so it's wonderful to feel like they're both 'safe'. *smiles*

So we sat there drinking and eating and chatting. Five good friends. Two of whom have recently returned from a 5 day break in Prague and seem to glow with new love. Three of us trying not to laugh when they get distracted from the conversation by each other :P We had a really good laugh. Though we did get a bit loud.

I've woken up this morning feeling pretty groovy. I don't mind that me and D will only ever be friends. I can live with that, I love his friendship and company. I am delighted that the two Js are so happy. Most of all I am pleased as punch, that I can spend an evening in a tapas bar with such good friends and in such easy company.

That's about it really
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