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Old 08-24-2007, 10:32 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: MS. usa
Posts: 3,908
Cool Songs in your head

A Midi. Just someone I use to know. Is running through my mind. I want it to be Charlie Pride, but I know it's Dolly and Porter.
Anyway I called an old love last night in Nu-Awlins. We lived together for years. Till she called me collect and asked, if I was ever going to marry her. I hung up.
Said I could come down and sleep on day bed while we make a road trip to make photos of shit the the cellar dwellers haven't seen.
Must be my month. Last X-wife called me from Ft. Worth and said husband had died. Now what?
Today at Hardies I saw my 1st. wife and her # 5 prize. Looks like a nice guy, if you're into guys.
Told me that my grandson wasn't going to school. 15 years old and has a cell phone and a pickup. Go Figure. Guess I need to have a small talk with him, or buy a new suit, might have to attend a funeral before long. I hope the genes aren't shining through in him. I dropped out of school 2 times. Army ged. U of GA. dropout. But I had enough time, in the right state that I could have been a licensed practicing engineer. Toot.
I've haven't left very deep footprints in the sands of time. But, boy I've left a bunch.
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