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Old 03-28-2003, 01:14 AM   #126
lobber of scimitars
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Phila Burbs
Posts: 20,774
Re: Re: back in business

Originally posted by Elspode

It indicates that the residents herein happily toss around crude humor, foul language and what sounds on the surface like inhumane commentary, but it is largely extreme sarcasm and carefully calculated mock cynicism that is being played for laughs. Unfortunately, your beau ended up on the receiving end this time. Wouldn't have happened if we'd been allowed to get to know him first.
Well, it might not have happened QUITE as majorly. Be truthful ...

(actually I'm thinking back to when I mentioned to slang that this might be an interesting place to play around in ... I was as amused as well watching those early posts ... still am. Eventually folks find equillibrium, enjoy rocking the boat, or just wander off.)

And link ... it's not a number of posts that makes a dwellar. if you're contributing to the community, even if only in silent appreciation of what , you're still part of it. Speaking up from time to time just makes it more fun.

I have at least one friend who I keep prodding to participate who assures me he's actually been lurking here for years (yes, I do mean YOU) but for reasons of his own chooses not to participate. I keep hoping, though, that one day the thread he can't pass up will come along and he'll iump in. He's part of the community too, even if you can't see him.
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