Thread: College
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Old 09-03-2007, 01:20 PM   #25
It's a fiendishly complex anagram of my name, Kevin.
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Florence, South Carolina
Posts: 25
You seem to be about my age (I'm a junior in high school). And I live in South Carolina...what you got against us southerners? Sure we've got a few senile old racists who put up their dukes at the sound of the word "Iraqi" but other than that I'd like to think we're kinda nice. Kinda. I'd like to think.

I'm actually thinking University of South Carolina for several reasons, and here are a few: 1) I want to be a pilot, so I figure I'll take some aeronautical engineering, physics, math, and communication...all of which are available with at USC with a relatively good reputation (Clemson's engineering program is a little better but neither are spectacular). 2) I'm very familiar with the campus because my older sister attended and graduated (Cum Laude with honors, in fact), so we made several trips to visit/move her stuff/family events/etc. 3) It's an hour and a half away, so the 'rents won't be all sad and I can make trips home without much difficulty. 4) I'm familiar with the Southern culture and crap; I won't be too much of an outcast, plus I'll get in-state tuition, more scholarship opportunities, etc.

I'm not real sure why I just spilled my life's goals and plans out on a thread that's not even mine, but I did. Good luck on finding the right place.
Most people put a clever, philosophical statement in their signatures that grabs people's attention and makes them think...sorry, I got nothing.
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