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Old 09-05-2007, 11:14 AM   #10
changed his status to single
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Posts: 10,308
Male vs Female makes a big big difference.

I coach soccer for a couple different age groups. some of my players have gone on to play at club level around the area. I have been known to pop up at games to take pics of the kids that have moved on. I put them together with pics from our previous teams then give them to the kids and their parents. Kind of a "look at the progress" kind of thing. Dorky, yes, but fun.
Anyway, I was approached by two very stern looking fathers at one game who grilled me over what I was doing. They knew I wasn't a team parent and they thought I might be a perve. One of my former player's parents cleared up the confusion, but it was a sad, enlightening experience.

I still get looks at tournaments when I'm taping ankles for some of the kids, and stuff like that. People are very suspicious - and they should be, but it is hard for a non-pervert to operate effectively with that level of suspicion.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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