Thread: Leadership
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Old 09-07-2007, 12:12 AM   #13
Bitchy Little Brat
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Queensland, Australia
Posts: 5,067
I used to work for a large factory operation, which was starting a new factory that had been relocated from the city to the country (cheaper labour).

We had to complete four aptitude tests, the first intake of employees were the top 3% of the 400 applicants and scored in the top 5% for that company worldwide.

The first intake were given 6 weeks training, regarding business practices, career advancement, and then some fluffy courses like "Dealing with conflict", "Train the Trainer", and A LOT of time spent on working as a team plus team development.

This company wanted to do away with Supervisor type roles and have teams, with four key roles that were filled by team elected peers.

By the 5th intake they were filling roles in the packing area and wash down crew, they were employing from the lower quarter of aptitude scores.

The people in the first intake, went on to be management that were promoted from the floor....something this company never thought it would do, because none of them really had the required tertiary education.

The people in the 5th intake, love their jobs, love the social aspect of it and when asked if they want further training on machines or positions (which equates to more $$s), they have declined again and again.

So, with all my waffle, I think I am saying you sometimes need both types in a working environment.
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