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Old 09-18-2007, 02:09 AM   #36
Urbane Guerrilla
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
Let's see. Torture only made more enemies. Extraordinary rendition only made enemies even of America's friends. Lying that we are winning "Mission Accomplished" only made "Mission Accomplished" worse. "We are where we are" only got more Americans killed and created a country of 25% refugees. IOW this war has been prosecuted doing what Urbane Guerrilla recommended. As a result, even bin Laden roams free. Urbane Guerrilla does not even call for bin Laden's capture. Everything has happened according to UG's plans.

A shadowy enemy? Of course. When using fictional descriptions of an enemy, it can only exist in shadows and cannot be defeated.
I've said before you couldn't be constructive if somebody gave you a hammer and two hacks of 2x4s, tw. You're running true to form.

Oh, you can tell how many more enemies we've got because we lean on some bad guys -- as either hard numbers or a percentage increase? You must be privy to some remarkably secret information not available to mere mortals then. Let's do the sensible thing and dismiss this contention as unprovable.

Bin Laden is nice to get -- but do you really think the bad guys will quit if we get him? I don't really. For that would be fictional.

And of course, tw, no strategist, isn't coming up with improved strategy, owing to his want of constructiveness.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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