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Old 09-21-2007, 12:01 AM   #13
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FACT - On average the human nose is able to recognize approximately 10,000 different odors and VULVA Original has certainly captured one.

What is VULVA Original?
VULVA Original is exclusive and unique on the global erotic market. This intimate, feminine fragrance is an erotic, aromatic essence. It is the first time a product has addressed not only the familiar sense of sight, hearing and touch but also the important sense of smell. This is especially true of the intimate feminine fragrance, which awards VULVA Original its place as a sought-after and precious essence.

VULVA Original - Natural Identical Vaginal Aroma
Sounds technical but basically it is 'fanny in a bottle!!
Whilst that might sound quite funny we can assure you, after years of development this product is no joke. Although there were probably some very funny sides to the development process which we will leave to your imagination......

Four years on and many nostrils later, a dedicated team of professional sniffers have 'crack'd it - successfully creating and bottling the ultimate pocket companion; the intoxicating essence of the female genitals!

For your pleasure
This product is not a perfume to heighten the arousal of your presence to others, it is a natural identical aromatic essence for your own pleasure to intensify your erotic fantasies.

For your entertainment
Not only is VULVA Original perfect for a night in with Jenna but a must-have for all you pranksters...
You know the kind who'll return to the office after their lunch break shove their fingers in your face and say smell that and then tell you they've just been round the back of the car park with that bird from accounts.

Or our personal favourite for the lads in the pub;

You're out with your mates on a Friday night when someone notices that distinctive, (familiar) smell of female genitals and no, it's not one of the birds!

Thanks to your personal bottle of this intoxicating scent and unbeknown to the victim, put a couple of drops on your mates shoulder and now he smells like a right #@*T!

How long could contain your laughter while he's frantically sniffing before you relieve him of his quandary with -

"Here you go mate, we got you this, you've always acted like one, now you can smell like one! ha ha"

We liked that one so much we've had it made into a greeting card to compliment the product as a gift.

Limited only by imagination, VULVA Original truly is a 'sense'ational product that is tantalising nostrils all over the globe, enhancing the personal pleasure of thousands.

So join the new wave of keen sniffers today, we guarantee you will not be disappointed!

How to use it
Rub a tiny drop of VULVA Original on the back of your hand and after a short time you will be revelling in the pleasures of the true aroma of that most coveted substance. The sense of smell then stimulates the cinematic visions of the imagination. It not only enables men to achieve greater gratification during solo sex, women too can use the erotic essence to coax their partner out from their shell.

Warnings about this product
Do not sniff VULVA Original whilst driving as this has been known to cause an instant need to take at least one hand off the wheel...
Frequent use may result in the arousal of the manhood in such a way that a stiffy bigger and harder than ever before is obtained momentarily. For many men this instantaneous reaction has transformed their sex life. Girlfriends and wives everywhere are returning home to their partners and hearing these words "Come to bed honey I've got a 'sniffy' on"
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