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Old 09-21-2007, 01:05 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by Cicero View Post
Hi SamIam! Good to see one of your random visits!!

To the Haters.
Would it really bother you that much to let me have some proper healthcare for my husband before he kicks the bucket and leaves me on this ridiculous piece of insanity called earth, broke and crazy?

Should I really have saved 6 digits just in case my young husband had terminal cancer? Really?

This is a pretty sore spot for me right now. I'm in danger of cussing at people again. Universal Healthcare would enhance my life right now is all I'm going to say. And don't call me lazy or a welfare slut. My husband and myself are very hard-working people. (Unless I'm dicking around with you guys on the cellar)

Just nevermind. Really. Fuck it. It's like banging my head against a wall.
Hey, Cicero! Nice to "see" you again! Sorry as can be about your bad news. Damn, Damn, Damn, and Damn again. If you want, PM me with your phone number (I lost it), and maybe I can give you some advise re the SYSTEM

To Clodfobble: Their are recruiting sites for EVERY profession. I bet they are even some for your line of work, whatever it is. Recruiting sites are not in themselves evidence of scarcity, although they can be an indicator of sorts. There's a big shortage of doctors of all kinds in the more rural areas, and I noticed many of the ads for OB-GYN's were for places like Bumfuck, Idaho (no offence to anyone here from Bumfuck).

To Lookout: I discovered an entire site on how doctors can disguise their assets - putting money in their children's names was only the most obvious of more devious plans that I didn't have the patience to read, not being a broker or a banker. And, anyhow, I don't have much sympathy for someone who whines about making a mere 150K/year. Sure, people in other professions can earn as much or more, so why didn't the folks who became Doc's just skip the entire Med School/Advanced Training treadmill, and go sell used cars, for example?

I would assume that at least some people are drawn to medicine for other reasons than money - reasons that cause them to suck it in and eke out an existance at a lowly 150K. And you never answered my question about what sort of society you prefer to live in. Is it one where Cicero's young husband dies of a deadly disease due to lack of medical care? If so, quite frankly, shame on you!
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