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Old 09-21-2007, 03:32 PM   #56
Goon Squad Leader
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thanks for your reply, sir.

I would like to clarify my statements you referenced here.

You quoted me very narrowly, which is fine, but I want to explain my remarks. I will start by saying I agree with you. That the "they" in question, the "they" in the first sentence, when it refers to the group of people that are inculcating the suicide bombers, brainwashing, incitin, propagandizing, and lying to the actual bomb carrying people, those people, THEY bear the largest share of the responsibility. A smaller share, not zero, belongs to the bombers themselves. The actual bombers, I think that was the "they" originally referenced by capnhowdy.

My "I doubt we disagree on this point" remark was made with this distinction in mind: that the people who bomb are responsible for their actions, IN CONTRAST to the overwhelming majority of Muslims for whom such violence is an abomination.


"they"==bombers, and their brainwashing incitors==responsible for their actions

"they"==Muslims in general !== responsible for the actions of bombers.

I'm not trying to split hairs here. It is an important distinction.

Remember the song "Pencil Neck Geek" by Tom Blassie? He had a line in there:

"They say these geeks are a dime a dozen. I'm lookin for the guy supplyin the dimes."

Be Just and Fear Not.
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