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Old 09-24-2007, 04:34 PM   #24
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
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Originally Posted by lookout123
personally i have no interest in extending the duration of my life. now if you can show me how to keep my body working the way it was at 29 for the 70 years then let's talk. I'd like that. But if everyone on the planet is doing the same thing we could run out of space pretty quickly.
Only if everyone keeps having children at the same point in their lives. When the life expectancy was 40ish, people were getting married and having kids at 15 quite regularly. As life expectancy extends, the average age for a first child has continued to go up and up--and our expectations of maturity have delayed as well, which is disappointing to me. Time was when a 15-year-old was an adult, and expected to behave as one. Nowadays there are 22-year-olds who are still coddled by their parents and are years away from adulthood.
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