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Old 09-25-2007, 11:27 AM   #276
no not that other guy, the other one
Join Date: May 2007
Location: TN
Posts: 640
Originally Posted by Shawnee123 View Post
Or, they pass the buck and blame it on underlings.

You're right, a lot of people wouldn't want the job of CEO; those who are CEOs are not always there because they're so damn good at it, but rather they like (live for) the stress, the politics, the hours, the power, and don't mind a little poopin' on the underlings. Or having the underlings throw poo at you (behind your back of course.)
A good CEO does not blame others for mistakes he/she makes, but does hold them responsible for their actions as the relate to the duties assigned to him/her.

I report directly to the CEO at my company and he has always been fair. Actually, he is a pretty good mentor. He takes time to discuss with me why he makes some decisions he makes and how it will affect employees and the bottom line. I know that not all CEOs are like him, but I feel certain he is not in the minority.
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