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Old 09-26-2007, 02:33 PM   #17
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Jinx would be my overall Cellar Queen (despite rowing with Shawnee who I care a lot about). Looks, brain, man-wrangling skills, mother, photographer and occasional evil witch.

Shawnee is the Humour Queen for snappy one-liners, and the general direction for her humour which I often read and think "I wouldn't have thought of that angle if I'd been given 10 years". She will also be the Comeback Queen - I know she's left again but I trust she will come back. She's realised she has a place here now (as evidenced by deleting her keyboard melting last post)

Brianna would be the Empress, in the tarot sense - lush and giving, capricious as nature but kind at heart

Clodfobble is Queen of Clarity. She has a beautiful way with words which gets to the heart of the matter. Even when I don't agree with her I acknowledge she has expressed her opinion in a way that makes sense.

Wolf of course is the Queen of Swords (back to the tarot). Steely cold in some aspects, sharp as a knife, no nonsense. But rapier wit, and personality shines through.

Ducks & Aliantha rule jointly as Antipodean Queens
Two very different posters, but both funny, up for a party and caring

Oh and Dana of course. I'm not sure she would appreciate being a Queen at all. So I will vote her Prime Minister instead. She can express my political opinions far better than I can myself, and keeps a level head in the most heated discussions.

Have I thrown your counting out of whack by introducing categories? I'm only sorry that I haven't voted for every Cellar female!
It's tempting when such a great group of women post here.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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