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Old 04-10-2003, 05:22 AM   #24
Posts: n/a
I think where most people here have an issue is that <b>we've seen this before</b>. We know this is going to happen. It sucks, no one <b>wants</b> it (except for Saddam and his followers, presumably, because it makes us look worse to the international community) - yet it's going to happen anyway. It simply cannot be avoided.

I agree that it's shitty, but there's a lot untold here. People always scrutinize U.S. media, so I ask you - where is your <b>proof</b> that this is the result of U.S. bombing? How do you <b>know</b> that Saddam's forces didn't fire a missile into an apartment complex to help turn international opinion against the war?

How many of these people hated Saddam and would gladly give their lives over again so that their family could live in a free country?

We'll never know, of course, but you present this as <b>propaganda</b> without even asking some relatively important questions.

In the end, it doesn't change a thing; they're dead, quite probably by U.S. weapons, and that's quite shitty. Tell me again, how many Iraqis have Saddam and his cronies killed?
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