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Old 04-11-2003, 07:07 AM   #9
Posts: n/a
We haven't declared war for like sixty years. There are just "armed conflicts" now.

I am talking about Udai, Uday, however you like to spell it. Since Arabic doesn't use a roman alphabet, there's no real "correct" way. Kinda like Osama/Usama. But that's the reason we didn't take Saddam in 1991.

As far as my image of Spain goes... people like you give it to me. I don't give much weight to elected representatives because I don't feel like they generally are an accurate representation of the population. Anyway, of Spain, I think "they really got cheated at the World Cup". I think "I will go there some day." I have good impressions of Spain. Honestly, the Spanish that I know and have met haven't seemed, to me, as arrogant as the English, French or even Canadians that I know, which, to me, says that you have less of an inferiority complex. (Note: I'm not saying all English, French or Canadians have an inferiority complex and are therefore snotty assholes - just that a large percentage of the ones I've dealt with have been.)

Honestly, that's about it, really. I missed my chance to go there back in high school, but I'll make up for it one of these days.
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