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Old 10-11-2007, 05:56 AM   #8
Founder, Wasabi Bird Foundation
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 8
Plausible Deniability

Originally Posted by SteveDallas View Post
(Click for background, as seen at the Dallas dinner table.)

So I'm sitting at my desk signing some perfectly innocent purchase orders. And my phone rings.

"Umm.. Dad..." [it's my daughter]".....I have a question."


"Well, let's suppose we were doing a TV commercial...."

"Wait, does Mom know you're calling me?"

"Umm.. no."

"Where's Mom?"

"Inside doing something."

"Uh... OK... go ahead..."

"Well, let's say we were doing a TV commercial. If we filmed somebody making the ketchup bottle fly through the air, would you be able to take the video and edit out the person so it was just the ketchup flying?"
My immediate reaction (what I imagined I would say) upon reading the above: "Hang up the phone. Destroy the tape. Deny all knowledge of the event. Do not tell your mother we spoke."
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