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Old 10-22-2007, 08:10 AM   #724
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Today is all about things going wrong.

Yesterday when I was at the gym I asked at Reception what time Water Workout was today. It's usually 13.00, but I thought I'd best check as it has an asterisk next to it saying Term Time Only and this is Half Term holidays. explained my reason for asking to the lady, she checked the computer and said, "No it's still on at 13.00."

So I turn up today at 12.50 only to find it starts at 12.30. The lady yesterday shouldn't have checked the system, but instead got the folder from the back of Reception and looked it up on the laminates. So today is now a rest day.

And I got a letter through from the Council. Three months after making my claim they advise me that I am entitled to Housing Benefit. Nothing about Council Tax Benefit but I can only assume another letter will follow regarding that. They will pay £180 a month towards my £230 rent. So I checked online to see if I could get any further help to make up the difference, and nothing made much sense. I called the dedicated claims line (freephone number) and the man I spoke to was very confused - I am getting Income Support at present, even though I claimed Incapacity Benefit (basically sick pay). He advised I called my local Job Centre. Which I did - they denied being able to help at all as it's an issue re payments and advised I call Job Centre Plus (in Belfast). Which I did. The man on that line told me the claim had been cleared. What? Oh apparently there's a note on my file to say it's been cleared (never did find out what cleared meant) but they can't proceed until Income Support has been reclaimed.

I asked - does this mean I was overpaid Income Support? Will I receive less on Incapacity Benefit? How much do I have to repay? He couldn't answer any of these questions, he could just read the notes out to me (re case cleared etc). He said as the most recent note on the file was on Friday they probably wouldn't be able to do anything for at least a week while it was being processed. So I asked was it worth calling Income Support? "I doubt they'll have looked at it yet but it can't hurt," said he. Hurt my phone bill actually.

So I left it with the agreement that I would wait a week and call Income Support to see if they can shed any light.

And I'm going to Art Therapy this afternoon and the idea scares me. Walking into a group full of strangers (with mental problems) and having to do things and make choices and be the new girl.

ETA - wouldn't you know it? I called the centre this morning re Art Therapy, just to check it was still going ahead today. The lady seemed surprised I'd asked and said she couldn't see any reason why not. I explained it was my first time and I'd been advised to call but she reiterated there was no reason it should not be going ahead. Fast forward to this afternoon - the tutor doesn't attend during school holidays. A member of the class is left the key to the store cupboard and the members get on with their projects. Not really a suitable session for a new starter.

Shoulda stayed in bed today.
Sorry, just venting.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac

Last edited by Sundae; 10-22-2007 at 10:43 AM. Reason: Update
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