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Old 10-27-2007, 10:53 PM   #21
Hypercharismatic Telepathical Knight
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: The armpit of the Universe... Augusta, GA
Posts: 365
Yeah, this guy's an assclown. Not only do lower income families (in the west, which is clearly what he's basing his 'hypothesis' on) have far more children on average, he's also forgetting that every couple generations or so, some country or another has a revolution where the have-nots oust the haves and replace them, thus switching the genetic pools.

Also, what is attractive now was not attractive even 30 or 40 years ago. Try finding a hair-chested man without a shirt on MTV. Try finding a woman over 115 lbs for that matter. 200 years ago it was more attractive to be fluffy and pale, and now the reverse is true.

And finally, last but definitely not least, is the gross (yet very common) misinterpretation of Darwin. Traits that develop are not what WE might view as advantageous, we don't get to choose. Traits that are developed are ones that make a species better suited to an environment. Just watch the latest horror flick to see this. Who's always the first to go? The blond with enormous breasts.

Sidenote: Does a scientist/philosopher with otherwise impressive credentials lose all his credibility when he poses a ridiculous idea such as this one, or the fellow who said blacks are inferior in the other thread? I think so.
Hoocha, hoocha, hoocha... lobster.
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