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Old 11-12-2007, 05:45 PM   #219
Come on, cat.
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: general vicinity of Philadelphia area
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My kids can't have dairy products (from a cow), they are allergic (plus cow milk is teh debil, but anyway...), so we have to get creative with some 'normal' foods. When goat cheese was harder to find and more expensive, I substituted other foods... like making nachos with squash. The kids love 'em - even my nephew who eats nothing. Just layer;

Refried Beans
Frozen cooked winter squash
Brown sugar or maple syrup (sprinkle on or add to squash while heating up)

Couldn't find frozen squash at 2 markets today and the boy was demanding mushrooms so we adapted again and layered;

refried beans
Midnight Moon goat cheese
few more chips
cubed carrots, squash, parsnips - simmered till soft in chix broth
small white beans
more M.M. and a little chevre

Baked until the mushrooms looked cooked enough.

The kids say they are awesome, but they miss the cinnamon.
Crying won't help you, praying won't do you no good.
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