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Old 11-13-2007, 10:09 PM   #945
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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Tink, I think most of us here want to support you both as much as we can. Especially now that we get to talk to both of you.

The journey you two have been on has been a rough one, and we've all sort of been there too, albeit from a distance. We care what happens to your marriage, and I'm sure you must see that there are many cases were cellar members have posted that there is always two sides to every story, so yeah, we've all tried to be supportive of V because he's the one we've known up till you joined - which is a great thing in my opinion, but I don't think anyone has advocated simply walking away. We've all encouraged him to look into his heart and see what he wants, then work towards it. I'd say that's what he's done isn't it? In the end. It's what you've both done, and we're all very happy that you've come back to each other.

Anyway, maybe Spex jumped the gun a bit with his comment, but I'm pretty sure he was just trying to show concern for someone he views as a friend. I seriously doubt that he meant it as a bad reflection on you in any way.
Kind words are the music of the world. F. W. Faber
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