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Old 11-14-2007, 02:31 PM   #975
changed his status to single
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ok, listen up all y'all. If you are not a member of the BigV household can i suggest you just let this topic drop? We don't live with them and even if they posted a blow by blow analysis of the last few months/years, we still wouldn't fully understand the real situation.

BigV and Tink, I am so happy that things are on the mend with you. happier than i can tell you, really, but you two need to be realistic. the wounds are too fresh to be dealing with them in an open and public environment like the cellar. Words on the screen here can be easily misunderstood or misinterpreted. and the truth is that the down and dirty details of the events are no ones' business but your own, don't be ashamed, but be careful about what you post. trust me, i know from personal experience.

Looking back at the posts in this thread - Tink can you understand that after the last few months it is only natural that if V drops a "bad day" message, people would be concerned that the road to recovery you two are on might have developed a few bumps? Don't read our concern as "What did that evil woman do???" you are a cellarite now, so you need to read it as "whoa - are you TWO ok?" it's the cellar, we tend to have sharp claws and thick skin. But at the end of the day we stand by eachother, that means you too.

The Cellar has had couples in it before but we've never had a long time member go through a split, get back together, and introduce their other half, so this dynamic is new territory for us all.

now let's all just relax... *steps off soapbox*
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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