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Old 11-15-2007, 11:41 PM   #27
Back and ready to tart up the place
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Kansas
Posts: 850
That is totally awesome SG! I'm a little late coming in here, but I wanted to comment too. Defrosting a freezer is really hard work, and even if he didn't say anything, I am sure he appreciates it.
I don't think you are being too anal... I try not to buy too many frozen items just for the simple fact that they get freezer burn pretty easy, and the more stuff in the freezer the quicker the ice builds up and it needs defrosting again. I need to do some major cleaning around our apartment too... I just can't seem to work up the motivation. Maybe I will now. I always feel content after cleaning.

I also wanted to say that although I didn't post about your losing weight (at least I can't remember if I did) I wanted to say that I can see a difference, and you are doing a great job. Not all of us are as fit as jinx and labrat and all the others, but we are all beautiful in our own way. You are a good motivator for me too... I need to get up off my butt and exercise on a regular basis as well. It is really depressing to know that I am classified as obese because of my weight. But keep up the good work! I'll be cheering for you!
Chock-full of naughty goodness.
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