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Old 11-29-2007, 05:22 PM   #92
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by rkzenrage View Post
So, some cultures are less intelligent than others?
I never said anything about skin colour and intelligence or culture and intelligence. In fact if it were a matter of intelligence the children would be receiving special help anyway.
So ironic, because the most ignorant and lest educated people I know, by population, locally, here are light skinned. NO ONE wants to start any special programs or affirmative action for them... why is that?
Did you read my post about the fact the disruptive pupils in the series I watched were all white but one? I'm not going to pretend I know what percentage one in sixteen is, but it's a pretty overwhelming white majority. Would I like disruptive children to be put into a program that has a possibility of working, given they are failing in the current system? Hell yes.
By your logic, those who are the least educated here should have the affirmative action, right?
What? I have said (in agreement with other posters) that if you help children at an educational level - the same way you help children with problems in maths, reading etc - then you won't NEED to make allowances/ exceptions based on colour/ race/ culture at a later date.
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